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What you need to know: This weblog captures key data points about the global telecoms industry. I use it as an electronic notebook to support my work for Pringle Media.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Google More than Doubles Capex

Alphabet, owner of Google, reported a 23% year-on-year rise in revenues for the second quarter to 32.7 billion US dollars on a constant currency basis. Although the average fee advertisers on Google Properties paid per click fell 22% year-on-year, the number of clicks rose 58%. "In terms of dollar growth, results were led again by mobile search with strong contributions from both YouTube and desktop search," said Ruth Porat, CFO of Alphabet.

Capex leapt by 139% to 12.78 billion dollars in the first six months of 2018, as Alphabet invests in YouTube, cloud computing capacity and machine learning. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet, outlined the impact of machine learning on Google's apps, such as Google Maps: "Through our improvements in machine learning, we have seen a 25x increase in our ability to build maps algorithmically, and we have added 110 million algorithmically drawn buildings to Maps, since the beginning of this year. And with over 1 billion users, we’re continuing to see tremendous growth in maps with especially strong growth in countries like Indonesia, India and Nigeria, each of which are growing over 50% year-on-year." Source: Google statement and earnings call transcript

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